Saturday, April 18, 2015

Coach Pitch and TBall

Seems like just the other day we were attending tball and coach pitch games for our own children and now it's time to watch the grand kids already. Little kids playing baseball has got to be the cutest thing ever!
Once in awhile the whole Cooper cheering section would show up to cheer one of the boys on. So cool!
 Cooper played for the Red Sox. He was adorable. Apparently he took extremely good care of his gear and was so excited to play. This was his first team ever! He did great!!

 Rees played for the Orioles or as they said oreos.  He seemed to really enjoy playing catcher but did a great job at all his positions. He was really hitting the ball like a champ by the end of the season.

 Rees' team won the championship! He got a huge trophy to keep and a trip to McDonald's with Grammy & Grandpa to celebrate with lunch. The boys did a great job. It was awesome to cheer them on.

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