Monday, October 1, 2012

Wicked / Laura's Farewell


 The end of September was an amazing adventure for us and it happened, as is usually the case for us, all on the same weekend. Clear back in June we got tickets for Wicked. Boy were we ever excited. They were really good seats too down on the main floor. It was a splurge that was worth it. The Keel's were celebrating Jeff's birthday so we went together to the play and dinner before. We got dressed up and went to the Winn Buffet because we love it there and it's only  for special occasions with that price tag!
It's so pretty and elegant for a buffet but most importantly we really love all the food. Lots and lots to choose from of course and everything looked great to us since we have been on the healthy lifestyle thing.

After we were stuffed we headed over to the beautiful new Smith Center for Wicked!

It was a really nice building and we look forward to going often we hope. We found ourselves loving the play of course but in the second half we couldn't help checking our watches. We had a long drive ahead of us that  night.
It was so fun and wrapped up by about 10:30pm so that was pretty great. By 10:45 we were driving down the freeway on our way to California and my niece Laura's farewell the next day. We pulled into Victorville at 2am...
That went pretty well actually. The only bad part was we had to be up at 6am to get back in the car and get down to Vista before 9:30 Sacrament meeting. I am proud to say we made it with 20 min to spare. We were really happy to make it to hear Laura's talk in church. After church we headed to Carolyn & Brent's for a yummy lunch followed by a fantastic spread of desserts. This was all layed out for a open house for Laura to say goodbye to here friends before her mission. I ate a bit of everything and some things not even a bit!! Wow was it great.
Here is Laura giving me the food tour. Notice the token veggie stuff shoved off into the corner for the few unfortunates that didn't want dessert!! After we visited for a few minutes and ate some more it was time to say our goodbyes and hit the road.

Spencer & Laura
We quickly hit the road and made it home by 11pm. I feel bad to admit that I dozed most of the way home and left poor Mendis ( who had had a nap at least) to fend for himself with a Louis L'Amour book on tape. I heard most of it. Kinda. Even though it was super short and very sweet we had a great visit and we were really glad we were able to attend.

1 comment:

Jolynn said...

Wicked (and dinner!) was soooo fun. I'm really glad we got to do that. It was one of the highlights of the summer. (I consider September still part of summer because it's so darn hot.)I am still listening to Wicked every day on my way to and from work. I love those songs.