Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Christina's Visit / Stake Conference

The first of June was pretty exciting around here. It always is when it's Stake Conference time. Mendis received his speaking assignment and he got lucky this time. He just had to speak Saturday night for the adult session and conduct Sunday morning for leadership. He was only given 8 minutes to speak which sounds great but it's really hard to do a decent job of any topic in just 8 minutes so he spent all Saturday chopping it down and getting it ready. Then Surprise!! Elder Keele was the only other speaker so he had to try to put it all back together again. Just like humpty dumpty. I thought he did a great job. The air conditioner wasn't doing the job though and it was sweltering in there. He spent lots of time mopping his brow the poor guy.

The night before we got to attend the Temple with Ashley & Benjy. Sure is nice to have them so close by. This was followed by the traditional In & Out Burger time. While this was going on Christina was heading down from Orem to spend the weekend with us. We thought we would spend Saturday hanging out a bit but that didn't work out exactly as planned. The stake presidency never heard back from Elder Keele about the schedule until Saturday so everything was in an uproar. Corine was going to put him up but asked if I could do the dinner with Holly for Saturday night. So Christina and I spent the day planning, buying and preparing said dinner. It was really simple but took alot of time. Their meeting went way over so after all that we had less than 15 minutes to eat it...seriously probably not even that long. So we left the stuff out and ran to the meeting. Then ran in to clean up so they could have a high council meeting in there right after. Kind of a busy day.

Sunday there were no seats to be had in soft comfy chairs and Christina and I ended up half down the cultural hall even a half hour early. Thank goodness Mendis had already spoken or we wouldn't have been able to see or hear very well. After the meeting Christina and I headed over to Henderson so she could see Ashley and fam. We took the back road which is always so pretty but was not too thrilled with the $10 charge they have going on now!!

Ashley made us a fabulous dinner with Rachel Ray chicken and even homemade ice cream. Wow it was good. It was nice that Benjy got to be with us for dinner before he had to head off to work. I had brought over some toys for the boys from the OPD picnic and I have to say they were quite the hit:

Rees with the paddle ball

Cooper looks hilarious but he loved those silly glasses!
Hey Dad give em back

Coop is quite a little cowboy
 So we stayed as long as we could then   rushed home so we could watch a movie with Mendis. He was bummed he had Seminary graduation and baccalaureate so he couldn't come with us. The next morning we headed out on the four wheelers for a ride before Christina had to head back. I took the day off so I could hang with them before she had to leave.

The weekend sure flew by just like it always does when any of our kids get to come home. At least I had our FHE bbq at the Keel's to look forward to that night!!

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